by David Popoff
New Year’s resolution always seems to include some form of eating healthier. Although you might think what you are eating is healthy for you but consider these “Dirty Dozen” Vegetables and Fruits that are on top of the list of worst offenders in pesticide residue. The samples are first washed or peeled prior to being tested so the rankings reflect the amounts of the crop chemicals likely present on the food when eaten. Along with the “Dirty Dozen” are the recommended “Clean Fifteen”. See list below.
The Environmental Working Group, EWG has put together its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce manual for eight years. The guide updates annually on information on the popular 45 fruits and vegetables and their total pesticide loads.
It is recommended the whenever possible it is best to buy organic fresh fruit and vegetables. This win win approach not only reduces your exposure to pesticides but minimizes soil erosion, pesticide runoff into our water and exposure to our wildlife.
David Popoff is adesignated “Green” Realtor in Fairfield County, Connecticut.